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Day Five
Perception of the Unattractive
(ârakkhà Bhàvanà 3)
1. Avi¤¤àõ'-asubhanibhaü Þ savi¤¤àõ'-asubhaü imaü,
With consciousness it is unattractive, just as it is without (i.e. dead),
kàyaü asubhato passaü, Þ asubhaü bhàvaye yati.
seeing this body as unattractive, Þ a monk should develop (the recollection) of the unattractive.
2. Vaõõasaõñhànagandhehi Þ àsay'-okàsato tathà,
Thus by way of colour, shape, smell, location, and appearance,
pañikkålàni kàye me Þ kuõapàni dvisoëasa.
the thirty-two (parts) in my body (are like) repulsive corpses.
3. Patitamhà pi kuõapà, Þ jegucchaü kàyanissitaü,
The (parts) that depend on this body are contemptible, as is what falls from a corpse,
àdhàro hi 'suci tassa, Þ kàye tu kuõape ñhitaü.
for their recepticle is impure, Þ they are situated in this corpse of a body.
4. Mãlhe kimi va kàyo 'yaü Þ asucimhi samuññhito,
Like a worm in excrement this body Þ arose in what is impure (i.e. the womb),
anto asucisampuõõo Þ puõõavaccakuñã viya.
inside it is full of impurities Þ just like a full lavatory.
5. Asucisandate niccaü Þ yathà medakathàlikà,
Always the impurities overflow Þ like fat (overflows) from a frying pan,
nànàkimikul'-àvàso, Þ pakkhacandanikà viya.
various kinds of worms dwell in it, Þ the same as in a cesspool.
6. Gaõóabhåto, rogabhåto, Þ vaõabhåto, samussayo,
This bodily heap is like a boil, like a disease, or like a sore,
atekiccho ti jeguccho Þ pabhinnakuõapåpamo ti.
it is incurable, contemptible, Þ just like a rotting corpse.
Khandhaparittaü (part only)
The Protection of Mind and Body
1. ßViråpakkhehi me mettaü, Þ mettaü Eràpathehi me,
ßI am friendly with the Viråpakkhas, Þ with Eràpathas I am friendly,
Chabyàputtehi me mettaü, Þ mettaü KaõhàGotamakehi ca.
I am friendly with the Chabyàputtas, Þ and friendly with the KaõhàGotamakas.
2. Apàdakehi me mettaü, Þ mettaü dipàdakehi me,
I am friendly with those without feet, Þ with those with two feet I am friendly,
catuppadehi me mettaü, Þ mettaü bahuppadehi me.
I am friendly with those with four feet, Þ with those with many feet I am friendly.
3. Mà maü apàdako hiüsi, Þ mà maü hiüsi dipàdako,
May the one without feet not hurt me, Þ may the one with two feet not hurt me,
mà maü catuppado hiüsi, Þ mà maü hiüsi bahuppado.
may the one with four feet not hurt me, Þ may the one with many feet not hurt me.
4. Sabbe sattà, sabbe pàõà, Þ sabbe bhåtà ca kevalà,
May all beings, all living creatures, Þ all who are born, in their entirety,
sabbe bhadràni passantu, Þ mà ka¤ci pàpam-àgamà.
may all see prosperity, Þ may nothing bad come to anyone.
Appamàõo Buddho!
The Buddha is measureless!
Appamàõo Dhammo!
The Dhamma is measureless!
Appamàõo Saïgho!
The Sangha is measureless!
Pamàõavantàni siriüsapàni,
Serpents can be measured,
ahivicchikà, satapadã, uõõànàbhi, sarabhå, måsikà.
(so can) snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards, and rats.
Katà me rakkhà, katà me parittà, pañikkamantu bhåtàni!
I have made this protection, I have made this safeguard, may (all these) beings go away!
So 'haü namo Bhagavato, namo sattannaü Sammàsambuddhànanû-ti.
I revere the Auspicious One, I revere the seven Perfect Sambuddhas.û
Verse of Blessing
Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!
Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!
Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!
Conditional Arising
Avijjàpaccayà saïkhàrà,
Because of ignorance there are (volitional) processes,
saïkhàrapaccayà vi¤¤àõaü,
because of (volitional) processes: consciousness,
vi¤¤àõapaccayà nàmaråpaü,
because of consciousness: name-and-form,
nàmaråpapaccayà saëàyatanaü,
because of name-and-form: the six sense spheres,
saëàyatanapaccayà phasso,
because of the six sense spheres: contact,
phassapaccayà vedanà,
because of contact: feeling,
vedanàpaccayà taõhà,
because of feeling: craving,
taõhàpaccayà upàdànaü,
because of craving: attachment,
upàdànapaccayà bhavo,
because of attachment: continuation,
bhavapaccayà jàti,
because of continuation: birth,
jàtipaccayà jaràmaraõaü,
because of birth: old age, death,
sokaparidevadukkhadomanass'-upàyàsà sambhavanti,
grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair (all) originate,
evam-etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti.
and so this whole mass of suffering comes to arise.
Avijjàya tveva asesaviràganirodhà saïkhàranirodho,
But with the complete fading away and cessation of ignorance, there is the cessation of (volitional) processes,
saïkhàranirodhà vi¤¤àõanirodho,
with the cessation of (volitional) processes, the cessation of consciousness,
vi¤¤àõanirodhà nàmaråpanirodho,
with the cessation of consciousness, the cessation of name-and-form,
nàmaråpanirodhà saëàyatananirodho,
with the cessation of name-and-form, the cessation of the six sense spheres,
saëàyatananirodhà phassanirodho,
with the cessation of the six sense spheres, the cessation of contact,
phassanirodhà vedanànirodho,
with the cessation of contact, the cessation of feeling,
vedanànirodhà taõhànirodho,
with the cessation of feeling, the cessation of craving,
taõhànirodhà upàdànanirodho,
with the cessation of craving, the cessation of attachment,
upàdànanirodhà bhavanirodho,
with the cessation of attachment, the cessation of continuation,
bhavanirodhà jàtinirodho,
with the cessation of continuation, the cessation of birth,
jàtinirodhà jaràmaraõaü
with the cessation of birth, old age, death,
sokaparidevadukkhadomanass'-upàyàsà nirujjhanti,
grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair (all) cease,
evam-etassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa nirodho hoti.
and so there is a cessation of this whole mass of suffering.
The First Words of the Buddha
Anekajàtisaüsàraü Þ sandhàvissaü anibbisaü
Through countless births in saüsàra Þ I have wandered without finding
gahakàrakaü gavesanto: Þ dukkhà jàti punappunaü.
the housebuilder I was seeking: Þ born and suffering again and again.
Gahakàraka diññho 'si! Þ Puna gehaü na kàhasi:
O housebuilder, now you are seen! Þ You will not build the house again:
sabbà te phàsukà bhaggà, Þ gahakåñaü visaïkhitaü,
all your rafters have been broken, Þ and the ridgepole has been destroyed,
visaïkhàragataü cittaü, Þ taõhànaü khayam-ajjhagà ti.
my mind has reached the unconditioned, Þ and craving's end has been achieved.

Now go to Conclusion part 1: Sabba-pàpassa akaraõaü...
Påja - Worship (Daily) Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)
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